Werner, S.L., Jones, D.G., Guido, J.A., Brunet, M.E. (2006).
Kinematics and Kinetics of Elite Windmill Softball Pitching. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 34,
Unlike a lot of studies I have reviewed so far, this study
by Werner and colleagues (2006) was done with 24 elite, Olympic level pitchers,
with a mean age of 25 years old. They measured a mean height of 1.7 meters and
a mean mass of 72 kg. They also averaged 60 mph. Also, as a premise to the
study, stride distance will be measured from the ankle of the pivot foot (right
foot for right handed pitchers) to the ankle of the stride foot (left foot for
right handed pitchers), and is computed with respect to height.
Results from the study include an average time from stride
foot contact (SFC) to release (REL) at 100 milliseconds, which is slightly
quicker than other studies. Knee flexion at SFC was 27˚ and stride length averaged 89% of the
average height. The elbow flexion angle was 18˚ at REL, which was at 356˚ (behind
0˚). At 12 o’clock, the average hip angle was at 70˚ and it ended at 52˚ at
The authors concluded that decreased distraction forces at REL may
decrease injuries. Also, they noticed that forces, angles, etc. were similar to
less skilled pitchers, but higher angular velocities and joint torques related
to their higher speeds. I would confidently state that increasing angular
velocities and joint torques would be the goal to increase velocity in your
Comparisons to other studies have not yet been made. My argument for studying better pitchers
is not a secret. Here we have clear evidence from elite pitchers and their
tendencies. However, these data come from Werner’s earlier works. The average
speed is still much slower than we see at the Women’s College World Series. I
think that we can use this study as a benchmark, but cannot be limited by its
information. Werner was only able to capture a small part of the pitch with
much less efficient equipment used at that time.
A few things that can be noted: Time from SFC to REL in this study was
100 ms, quicker than the 117 ms noted in Werner, et al. (2005). Training the
pitcher to accelerate the arm at SFC. Also, the hip angle at REL was slightly
more open (52˚) than in other studies (43˚, Werner, et al., 2005). This could
be related to speed as well. Also, elbow flexion at REL was 27˚ vs. 20˚ in
slower throwing athletes (Werner, et al., 2005). The extra arm angle may help
create more internal rotational torque.
Some things to take away from these comparisons: In Werner, et al.
(2006) the pitchers threw rise balls versus Werner, et. al (2005) where the
pitchers threw fastballs. Elite pitchers rarely throw fastballs, and riseballs
tend to be slower than fastballs. This could be the reason for the differences
in hip angle and elbow flexion. However, for teaching riseballs, this
information could be important.
I would love to see more of these studies. Although data is similar in
proportion to those athletes in other studies, the more elite athletes we
study, the more we will get to know the best athletes, the more we can utilize
the results to create a better plan to train our young athletes to reach
heights much greater than we’ve seen to this point. Again the goal is to get
better, as coaches and as players.
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